Products Catalog


The Banchio Group markets catches through commercial agreements with ship owners that fish in Argentina where a strict quality control takes place.

The main products are the hake H&G and the hake fillets that are marketed mainly in the European Markets. The majority of the fillets are reprocessed in Spain for the following sales to retail clients.

Hake (Merluccius Hubsi)

Hake (Merluccius Hubsi)

S. Merluza H&G
I. Nasello

Hake (Merluccius Hubsi)

Hake (Merluccius Hubsi)

S. Tronquito de Merluza
I. Nasello

Hake (Merluccius Hubsi)

Hake (Merluccius Hubsi)

S. Filete de Merluza
I. Filetto di Nasello